Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Travel Map

Now that Flat Stanley's journey is complete. Here is a map of his travels!

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Friday, November 23, 2007

NASA in Clearlake, Texas

The day after Thanksgiving, Flat Stanley got to visit NASA in Clearlake, Texas.

He learned a lot about the astronauts, and even go to pretend to wear a space suit. He pretended to fly on a rocket ship and walk on the moon.

Flat Stanley went on a tram tour around NASA. It was freezing that day, but it was a great way to get around the huge Space Center. Flat Stanley was amazed to see the actual rockets at the NASA Space Center. They were huge!

Flat Stanley enjoyed the Star Wars exhibit, and liked the R2-D2 that was “flying” this X-wing ship.

Next Stop: Home with Collin to track his journey and share with his class!

Galveston, Texas

Galveston is another old city in Texas and is on the Gulf Coast. In recent years, cruise ships have started using Galveston as a port which has given the city a new life due to the cash input from tourists. There is a big Mardi Gras celebration each year and at Christmas there are carolers and festivities during Dickens on the Strand ( a historic area of Galveston now filled with shops). Flat Stanley went to see where Collin's boo! and his Pop are building an house on the beach.

Next Stop: NASA Space Center in Clearlake, Texas

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Houston, Texas, Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was a special time for Flat Stanley, having just arrived home from his European tour. He got to sit right by the floor of a Houston Rockets basketball game and he enjoyed playing Stratego and cards with Collin, Collin's Dad, and Pop. He got to see fireworks on Thanksgiving, and see where Collin’s Boo and Pop live in Houston now.

Next Stop: Galveston, Texas on the beach

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Athens, Greece

Flat Stanley enjoyed the three and a half hour flight from London to Athens, Greece on Easyjet -- a UK/British airline modelled on your own Southwest. And today he went on a historical tour of the city finishing up at the Parthenon temple, the most famous of the buildings at the Acropolis and the symbol of Athens.

And here's something special for you Collin -- Flat Stanley's picture shows him standing in front of the Parthenon -- a temple that was built between 447 and 432 BC -- that is more than 400 years before Jesus Christ was born. What is also strange is that the building work started in 447 BC and finished in 432 BC -- the numbers go down not up -- things really get confusing when you're talking about the years before Jesus was born.

Next Stop: Back to Houston, Texas for Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 15, 2007

London, England, Part 2

Today Flat Stanley didn't waste any time and headed straight for central London.

He took a spin on the London Eye before walking along the River Thames to Big Ben -- which is actually the name of the largest bell in the tower. The tower itself, and not many people know this, is St. Stephen's Tower.
Finally he hopped on one of those famous red double decker buses. The London Bus photo is more of a "spot Flat Stanley" picture because he insisted not only on having his photograph taken but driving the bus also. Fortunately, because he had trouble reaching the peddles, his top speed didn't exceed 5 mph -- much to the relief of his nervous passengers. The other good news is that, in accordance with the laws of England, Flat Stanley did indeed drive on the left hand side of the road.

Kind regards,
Next Stop: Athens, Greece

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

London, England

Breaking news....

...Police are on the lookout for a small thin man, AKA "Flat Stanley", last seen climbing the perimeter fence of the heavily fortified Elstree Film and Television Studios. Asked to comment on these events, Chris Tarrant -- host of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" -- said he "knew Stanley well, as he had tried and failed on numerous occasions to get onto the show, and that the public had nothing to fear". Other than the attached photographs, police have no further news on the whereabouts of the elusive Mr. Stanley.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

San Antonio, Texas

Flat Stanley started his day early in Houston, then flew to San Antonio, Texas.

San Antonio is a very old city in Texas where the battle of the Alamo was fought. Today it is a beautiful city with a downtown area built around a large riverwalk lined with resturants and shops. There are boats that you can ride on from one end of the riverwalk to the other. Flat Stanley did not get to go downtown on this trip because he went to San Antonio to attend an oil and gas meeting of large independent oil companies to discuss issues in the industry. He went to the gym and worked out then attended the meetings while he was at the resort outside of San Antonio where the meeting was held.

Next Stop: Across the Atlantic Ocean to London, England

Friday, November 9, 2007

Houston, Texas

Houston is the fourth largest city in America. Flat Stanley visited Collin's Pop and had his picture made on the balcony with the skyline behind him. It is very humid in Houston most months and has a warm climate. The main industries in Houston are oil and gas, aerospace, banking and health care.

Flat Stanley enjoyed grocery shopping at Safeway with Collin’s Boo and his Pop. He especially liked to drive the cool cart. Flat Stanley helped Collin’s Pop pay for the groceries. He also went to Starbuck’s, which is a favorite spot for Collin’s Boo and Pop. He even got to go to a Houston Texans' football game.

Next Stop: San Antonio